
This part of the NZX website is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult your financial advisor for financial advice.

How To Trade

This website is intended to provide market information, it does not include the ability to execute trades. To get started trading, you will need to contact an NZX market participant.

NZX market participants are accredited by NZX to advise on NZX markets. Click here for a full list of NZX participants.

Exchange Traded Funds

Exchange Traded Funds offer a simple way to gain a wide exposure to securities markets with flexibility and low fees.

ETFs can be bought and sold on stock exchanges like regular shares. ETFs typically contain a portfolio of securities designed to track specific indices, such as the biggest 10 or 20 listed companies on the New Zealand (NZX) and Australian (ASX) stock exchanges.

Smartshares offer a range of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) which trade on the NZX Main Board, just like an ordinary share. With one simple purchase you get an investment in a range of securities such as listed companies or corporate bonds, spreading your risk more broadly.

For more information visit or the Products section of this website.

Managed Funds

You can also invest in NZX listed entities by investing in a managed fund, where your money is pooled with other investors' money and invested by a professional manager.

Managed funds can offer access to a range of asset classes - such as cash, fixed interest, property or shares - as well as different sectors and countries. Furthermore, managed funds that offer diversification (i.e. a broad range of different investments) can help you to spread your risk more broadly.


KiwiSaver is a government savings initiative to help you save for retirement. To learn more about KiwiSaver, visit

The SuperLife KiwiSaver scheme is managed by Smartshares Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of NZX Limited. SuperLife's fees are among the lowest in the market, and low fees means more of the investment returns end up in your KiwiSaver account. By joining SuperLife, you also have the flexibility to choose from 40 investment options and a "life cycle investment option" that lowers the investment risk of your savings as you approach your retirement.

To learn more about the SuperLife KiwiSaver scheme's investment options and philosophy, visit:

Information on Investing

You can find a number of helpful introductory information sources online. The independent Retirement Commission provides information on different strategies for saving and investing, including in securities. See for more information.

Additionally, the Financial Markets Authority provides information specific to investing here.

MyNZX Tools

In addition to market prices, announcements, and other key data, this website provides a number of tools you can use to monitor your investments and the market once you are trading.

With a free MyNZX account you can:

  • track the value of your portfolio each day;
  • create a watchlist;
  • get daily emails on market information relevant to you