
How to make a complaint

If you have a complaint about a Listed Issuer (e.g a listed company) or Market Participant (e.g a broker firm), you could lay your complaint with:

  • the Listed Issuer or Market Participant
  • the Market Participant's elected Disputes Resolution provider
  • NZX or
  • the Financial Markets Authority.

In the case of NZX as listed issuer you should lay your complaint with the Special Division of the NZ Markets Disciplinary Tribunal.

Before you make a complaint please read all of the information below to ensure you are approaching the correct organisation to deal with your matter.

How to register your complaint with a Listed Issuer or Participant in NZX's Markets

In most cases, the first course of action should be to contact the Listed Issuer or Market Participant directly.

If you decide to make a complaint against a Listed Issuer or a Participant in NZX's markets, we suggest you take the following steps:

  1. Thoroughly read any documentation provided. You may find the answer to your query or complaint in those documents. If you do not have a copy of the documentation, ask the Participant or Listed Issuer for a copy.
  2. If you cannot find the answer in the documentation, contact the advisor or person you normally deal with and discuss the problem. In the case of a Listed Issuer, contact the company secretary or investor relations team. Ask for a timeframe for a response.
  3. If the issue relates to a Participant and is not resolved to your satisfaction, contact the Participant's Compliance Manager.
  4. You may need to put your complaint in writing. If so, you should do this as soon as possible and address it to the Compliance Manager in the case of a Participant or the company secretary or investor relations contact in the case of a Listed Issuer.

As Participants in NZX's markets are required to be members of a dispute resolution scheme, you may also lodge a complaint with their elected Disputes Resolution Provider. Contact your Participant for information on how to register a complaint with the Participant's elected Disputes Resolution Provider.

How to register your complaint with NZX

As the front-line regulator, NZ RegCo receives and responds to complaints from third parties concerning Listed Issuers' or Participants' conduct. You can make a complaint against a Listed Issuer by downloading and completing a complaint form below and submitting with all supporting documentation to NZ RegCo.

NZ RegCo can only take enforcement action in respect of a complaint where possible breaches of the NZX market rules may have occurred. If during the course of investigation into the complaint, breaches of the NZX market rules are detected, NZ RegCo may commence disciplinary action against the Listed Issuer or Participant.

Please note that the complaints process is not compensatory in nature.

Please also note that the complaints process is a confidential process between the parties involved and NZ RegCo. By participating in the complaints process you are agreeing not to disclose any information about the complaints process itself, or the matter(s) you have referred to the complaints process, to any third party without the prior written consent of NZ RegCo.

Please make your complaint by the following means:

By writing a letter to:

NZ RegCo
Chief Executive Officer

or by sending an email:

NZ RegCo Complaints Form

How to register your complaint with the Financial Markets Authority

Information on the matters the Financial Markets Authority can and cannot deal with is located on the Financial Markets Authority website.

Register your complaint with the Financial Markets Authority through the website or at:

Financial Markets Authority
(04) 472 9830
Level 2, 1 Grey Street, PO Box 1179, Wellington 6011

Fax: (04) 472 8076

Complaints about offer documents for issues of securities and advertisements for securities, disclosure, and suspected market misconduct, may be raised with either NZ RegCo or the Financial Markets Authority.

Complaints against NZX - How to register your complaint with the Special Division

The Special Division of the NZ Markets Disciplinary Tribunal regulates NZX as a Listed Issuer. If you have a complaint regarding NZX, we encourage you to contact us directly at In the event that you decide to pursue a complaint against NZX as a Listed Issuer please follow the below process.

  1. Gather all documents that support the complaint.
  2. Make the complaint in writing, setting out adequate details of the complaint and include copies of any supporting documentation. You can use the Special Division Complaint Form below to assist in this process. If you are unable to download the Special Division Complaint Form, you can contact NZX Market Operations on +64 4 496 2853 or email to obtain a copy.
  3. Lodge the complaint by any of the following means:
Special Division
C/- Executive Counsel, NZ Markets Disciplinary Tribunal
PO Box 90484 Victoria St. West AUCKLAND 1142

Download Special Division Complaint Form

The Special Division will acknowledge your complaint promptly and will work towards responding to your concerns as quickly as possible. However, as some matters may be complex, they may take longer to address. If this is the case, you will be kept informed on the progress of the complaint by telephone, email or letter.

If the complaint is not dealt with by the Special Division to your satisfaction, you may refer the complaint to the Financial Markets Authority.

Complaints against NZX - How to register your complaint with Financial Services Complaints Limited

Alternatively, you can also contact Financial Services Complaints Limited, our independent external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs. This service costs you nothing and they will help resolve the complaint.

Financial Services Complaints Limited
Call free on: 0800 347 257
PO Box 5967, Wellington 6011