NZX Insights

Dairy Outlook Report 2021

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New Zealand dairy farmers are some of the most efficient producers of dairy milk in the world, and while the past year has been a tough time for many industries, the overall picture for dairy has been overwhelmingly positive, with returns to farmers at record levels along with the economic contribution to New Zealand.

The 2021 Dairy Outlook Report will be future focused – looking at trends shaping the New Zealand dairy industry’s flightpath. The report aims to give you an understanding of New Zealand dairy’s current positioning and what needs to be considered to continue to build a sustainable industry amongst growing challenges, including;

  • Where the New Zealand dairy industry is now and how it could look by 2030
  • The He Waka Eke Noa industry partnership
  • Dairy’s global nutritional contribution to the world
  • Case studies on Halter and regenerative agriculture

NZX ESG Report

NZX ESG Report Cover

Against the backdrop of a global health issue affecting the planet and climate change being declared as a national emergency, New Zealand’s largest listed companies ramped up their environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting in 2020.

  • The Report shows that, Overall, the level of ESG reporting and usage of international reporting frameworks among the S&P NZX50 increased in 2020, with more companies using the Global Reporting Initiative, Integrated Reporting and Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) frameworks or guidelines.
  • The report includes case studies from Contact energy, ASB, and Ports of Tauranga and their focus in the ESG space.

Read the full report here: Insights into New Zealand’s ESG reporting

Read individual case studies here:

NZX Tech Report

NZX Tech Report Cover

When you look across the S&P/NZX 50 there’s no escaping the importance of technology – from healthcare, nutrition and telecommunications to transport, infrastructure, energy and retirement living.

Technology has never been more important to our country, as the fastest growing export sector in 2019 and particularly as the Government considers how the evolving global situation with COVID-19 might impact some industries that have long been at the core of New Zealand’s economic success.

Our 2020 NZX Tech Report report seeks to provide a snapshot of the tech sector in New Zealand and demystify the listed market.

Read full report here: NZX Tech Report - Influencing New Zealand's Future with Tech

Dairy Outlook Report 2019

Dairy Outlook Report Cover

People have never cared more or known less about how their food is produced, this report aims to provide a window into New Zealand's incredible dairy products.

We outline the challenge but also the wonderful opportunity the New Zealand Dairy Industry has as it aims to be the most sustainable dairy producers in the world.

Read full report here: NZX – New Zealand Dairy Outlook 2019

Case studies included in the report are available below: