Issuer Training Modules

If you are the Primary Authorised Representative for a primary listed equity Issuer, you are required to access all training modules via the link and pass the prescribed test for each module. Primary Authorised Representatives for primary listed equity Issuers must complete and pass the test for the eight modules by 24 January 2025.

Existing Issuers – Listing Rule requirements

The NZX Listing Rules (including Listing Rule 1.7.2 and 1.22) require issuers to appoint a Primary Authorised Representative and a Secondary Authorised Representative.

These requirements include that primary listed equity Issuers must ensure that their Primary Authorised Representative has successfully completed the Authorised Representative Training within 6 months of the effective date of the Rule amendment (being 24 January 2025). The relevant Primary Authorised Representatives must pass the test of all eight modules to meet this requirement.

NZ RegCo encourages Secondary Authorised Representatives to undergo Authorised Representative Training, although there is no Listing Rule requirement for them to do so.

Please note that while PDF copies of the training materials are available below, Primary Authorised Representatives for primary listed equity Issuers must complete and pass the test for each module while logged in to the Safetrac website. Users will receive email confirmation after passing the test for each module.

Prospective Issuers

Applicants who are seeking to list on NZX must also appoint a Primary and Secondary Authorised Representatives. Primary Authorised Representatives for primary listed equity Issuers must successfully complete the Authorised Representative Training prior to listing.

Training Modules

The Issuer Training Modules are available here.

Primary Authorised Representative for a primary listed equity Issuer, are required to access all training modules via this link and pass the prescribed test for each module.

The modules available through Safetrac include a test and are designed, subject to individual professional requirements, to qualify for continuing professional development (CPD) time. Each module is expected to take no more than 45 minutes to complete.

The NZX Listing Rule training modules are:


Continuous Disclosure

Information on Continuous Disclosure, when disclosure is required, and other disclosure obligations under the NZX Listing Rules


PDF version

Shareholder Meetings

NZX Listing Rule obligations that apply in relation to shareholder meetings


PDF version

Periodic Reporting

Summary of financial reporting obligations along with other event-based disclosures under the NZX Listing Rules


PDF version

Issuing Securities and Raising Capital

Information on raising capital and issuing securities, including disclosure requirements, prescribed templates, and MAP data


PDF version

Trading Halts and Suspensions

Information on trading halts and suspensions, and the process issuers and advisers must follow when seeking one


PDF version

Regulatory Landscape for NZX Listed Issuers

Information on NZX and NZ RegCo, including a summary of various matters NZX listed issuers should be aware of


Corporate Governance

Key corporate governance requirements under the NZX Listing Rules, and the NZX Corporate Governance Code


Major and Related Party Transactions

Overview of major and related party transactions including information issuers should include in a notice of meeting

Available Q4 2024

Please note that the PDF version of each training module is a download of the module content. Information may not be complete. Reviewing the PDF versions does not constitute passing the Authorised Representative Training.

The Authorised Representative Training (as defined in the Listing Rules) is the online training and associated tests available on the Safetrac website. To complete the Authorised Representative Training, an Authorised Representative must pass the test for each of the eight modules.

The final module is expected to be available in mid-2024. Authorised Representatives will be advised of the final three modules as they are available.

Refresher training

Primary Authorised Representatives for primary listed equity issuers must undertake the Authorised Representative Training every three years. The date that Authorised Representatives must use to calculate this anniversary is the date that all eight modules were completed, and the tests were passed.


On 13 June 2024, NZ RegCo hosted a webinar on the Authorised Representative requirements and Issuer training modules. The presentation is available here and a recording can be viewed here.


If you have any questions in relation to Authorised Representatives or the prescribed submission form please contact NZ RegCo Issuer Regulation –