Listing Equity

Realise the commercial potential of your business by listing on NZX

Access capital and liquidity to expand and achieve strategic objectives. Listing your business is an important decision in its lifecycle and NZX has different paths to suit a variety of commercial goals.

To learn more about how our issuers come to market, contact us for a tailored introduction to NZX.

Why list on New Zealand’s exchange?

There are many benefits from listing on the NZX. Your company will benefit from improved access to capital, increased global profile and access to liquidity.

Raise capital

Ready access to capital, both initially and ongoing, for acquisitions or to accelerate the growth of your business

Improve integrity and credibility

Improved perception from investors, suppliers and stakeholders by meeting robust regulatory standards

Enhance profile

Greater awareness of your company and brand with media, the public and the global investment community

Increase liquidity

Operating in a tradable market creates the platform for shareholders to realise the value of their investments

Validate valuation

Place an objective market value on the business

Encourage employee incentives

Encourage employee commitment and incentivise their long term motivation and performance

Have trusted regulation

New Zealand offers a modern regulatory environment balancing the needs of both issuers and investors


NZX supports companies from a marketing perspective through investor roadshows

Starting the journey - what to consider

While listing your business presents lots of growth opportunities, before you decide to list your company, you should consider:

Telling your company’s story

Talking to your investors early and often is essential. A strong record of communication means you are more likely to attract new investors, and it means your current ones understand the company’s strategy and growth initiatives

Increased disclosure and reporting requirements

Keeping the market informed is a key requirement of listing. It ensures your investors are participating in a fair and transparent market and will become a routine practice for your business

Strong governance

Company directors owe duties to the company, to its shareholders and wider stakeholders so it is important to have strong governance which supports the direction and growth of your company

Market conditions

A public listed company may be impacted by conditions outside your company’s influence

Costs and fees

Additional costs are involved in an IPO or listing, maintaining a listing and raising additional capital. Although these costs arise from both the NZX and external advisers (e.g. lawyers, accountants) the majority are from the latter

Listing types

You need to make two key decisions about how to list on the markets operated by NZX:

  • A decision whether to make an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or to undertake a direct listing; and
  • A decision whether to seek a primary listing with NZX, or a secondary listing if you are already listed in another jurisdiction.
  • IPO
  • Direct Listing