
The Board has five standing committees: an Audit and Risk Committee, a Clearing Committee, a Human Resources and Remuneration Committee, a Nomination Committee and a Technology Committee.


NZX’s Audit and Risk Committee assists the board to fulfil its responsibilities in relation to the NZX Group’s financial practices and reporting, internal control environment, internal audit, external audit and risk management.

The committee must be comprised solely of NZX directors, have a minimum of three members, have a majority of members that are independent directors and have at least one director with an accounting or financial background.

The current members of the committee are Lindsay Wright (Chair), Rachel Walsh and Frank Aldridge.

Download a copy of the Audit and Risk Committee Charter


NZX’s Clearing Committee assists the board in ensuring that New Zealand Clearing Limited has adequate risk capital to meet its obligations as the central counterparty clearing house for NZX Clearing.

The committee must have a minimum of three members. The committee may have a non-director as a member (who must have skills and experience relevant to the operation of the committee).

The current members of the committee are Rachel Walsh (Chair), Lindsay Wright, Peter Jessup, John McMahon and Dame Paula Rebstock.

Download a copy of the Clearing Committee Charter


NZX’s Human Resources and Remuneration Committee assists the board in overseeing the management of the human resources activities of NZX, including the remuneration of employees.

The committee must have a majority of members that are independent directors.

The current members of the committee are Frank Aldridge (Chair), John McMahon, Elaine Campbell and Dame Paula Rebstock.

Download a copy of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee Charter


NZX’s Nomination Committee assists the board in identifying and recommending to the board individuals for nomination as directors and members of committees.

The committee must have a majority of members that are independent directors.

The current members of the committee are John McMahon (Chair), Frank Aldridge and Dame Paula Rebstock.

Download a copy of the Nomination Committee Charter


NZX’s Technology Committee assists the board in oversight of the role and use of technology in executing NZX’s strategy (including ICT recommendations from Capital Markets 2029), meeting regulatory requirements and standards and in supporting the function of the markets operated and cleared by NZX Clearing.

The committee must have three members. The committee may have a non-director as a member (who must have skills and experience relevant to the operation of the Committee).

The current members of the committee are Peter Jessup (Chair), Rachel Walsh and John McMahon.

Download a copy of the Technology Committee Charter