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HFL – Repurchase of own shares on 12 January 2024

15/01/2024, 08:30 NZDT, MKTUPDTE

JANUS HENDERSON FUND MANAGEMENT UK LIMITED HENDERSON FAR EAST INCOME LIMITED LEGAL ENTITY IDENTIFIER: 213800DIQREOD38O596 12 January 2024 HENDERSON FAR EAST INCOME LIMITED Market purchase by the Company of its own shares Notification is given that pursuant to the authority granted at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 27 January 2023 to make market purchases of the Company's own shares of no par value, a market purchase of 17,268 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company was made today at a price of 209.0p per share. The shares will be held in treasury. The issued share capital of the Company following this purchase will continue to be 162,988,564 ordinary shares of no par value each, of which 278,800 shares (0.17% of the issued share capital) are held in treasury and have no voting rights. On a poll, members have one vote per share. Therefore, in respect of calculations of interest in the Company's shares, the total number of voting rights is 162,709,764. A buy-back of shares on any trading day may represent a significant proportion of the daily trading volume in the shares on the exchange (and could exceed the 25% limit of the average daily trading volume of the preceding 20 business days as referred to in the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2016/1052 on buy-back programmes (as it forms part of English law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018)). For further information, please call: Sat Duhra Fund Manager Henderson Far East Income Limited Telephone: +658 388 3175 Colleen Sutcliffe For Janus Henderson Secretarial Services UK Limited Corporate Secretary Telephone: 020 7818 5919 Harriet Hall PR Manager Janus Henderson Investors Telephone: 020 7818 2919 End CA:00424731 For:HFL Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2024-01-15 08:30:13