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TruScreen Continues Strong Sales Growth in Q3 FY2024

25/01/2024, 08:39 NZDT, GENERAL

NZX/ASX Announcement 25 January 2024 TruScreen Continues Strong Sales Growth in Q3 FY2024 Highlights o Revenues YTD to 31 December 2023 USD $887,958.00 (NZD$1,465,131), a 34 % increase on prior year o SUS unit sales exceeded total of last financial year, reaching 141,300 by 31 December 2023 (9 months) o China continuing to be major contributor o Zimbabwe tender won and invoiced for 10,800 SUS Truscreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX: TRU) is pleased to report a 40% growth in sales of devices and a 22% growth in sales of Single Disposable Sensor (SUS) for the nine months to 31 December 2023, over the same period prior year. The major contributor to this growth is China following recognition/endorsement of TruScreen in the major national Guidelines, by the Chinese Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (CSCCP), published in the July 2023 edition of CSCCP's journal and the recommendation in the prestigious Blue Book in China. A roadshow by the Company's distributor, Siweixiangtai Tech Co. Ltd (SWXT), has generatedsupported this growth, resulting in installation of TruScreen technology in several new major hospitals. The successful Zimbabwe screening program under the National Aids Council has screened a total of 14,000 women in Masvingo province to date. The program continues with planned TruScreen Ministry of Health evaluation in the coming months, and it is anticipated that the program will be expanded beyond Masvingo province in financial year 2025. The CEO, Dr Beata Edling commented: "I'm delighted to report on the Q3 FY2024 results. We congratulate our partner, SWXT, in achieving strong growth in China, building on the recognition of TruScreen in the guidelines. We continue to work closely with the National AIDS Council of Ministry of Health in Zimbabwe in advancing the successful point-of-care program in Masvingo Province. " This announcement has been approved by the Board. Ends For more information, visit www.truscreen.com or contact: Dr Beata Edling Chief Executive Officer beataedling@truscreen.com Guy Robertson Chief Financial Officer guyrobertson@truscreen.com End CA:00425253 For:TRU Type:GENERAL Time:2024-01-25 08:39:18