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Wellington Airport considers retail bond offer

12/02/2024, 08:53 NZDT, GENERAL

NZX ANNOUNCEMENT 12 February 2024 Wellington International Airport Considers Retail Bond Offer Wellington International Airport Limited (WIA) is considering making an offer of 6.5 year unsecured, unsubordinated, fixed rate bonds (Bonds) to New Zealand investors. The offer is expected to open as early as the week of 19 February 2024, subject to market conditions, with full details to be released then. WIA intends to use any proceeds from the potential bond offer to refinance its NZ$60,000,000 WIA040 bonds maturing on 5 August 2024, and for general corporate purposes. WIA has appointed ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (ANZ) as the Arranger and ANZ and Forsyth Barr Limited as Joint Lead Managers in relation to the proposed offer. Investors can register their interest in the offer by contacting a Joint Lead Manager or their usual financial adviser. Indications of interest will not constitute an obligation or commitment of any kind to acquire the Bonds. No money is currently being sought and applications for the Bonds cannot currently be made. If WIA offers the Bonds, the offer will be made in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 as an offer of debt securities of the same class as existing quoted debt securities. The Bonds are expected to be quoted on the NZX Debt Market. Joint Lead Managers: ANZ and Forsyth Barr For further information: Martin Harrington Chief Financial Officer, Wellington International Airport Phone: +64 4 385 5105 Email: Martin.Harrington@wellingtonairport.co.nz ENDS End CA:00425984 For:WIA Type:GENERAL Time:2024-02-12 08:53:45