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Results of Annual Shareholders Meeting

21/02/2024, 11:53 NZDT, MEETING

21 February 2024 RESULTS OF ANNUAL SHAREHOLDER MEETING At Tower Limited's Annual Shareholder Meeting, held at Eden Park and online at 10am on 21 February 2024, shareholders were asked to vote on three resolutions, which were supported by the Board. As required by NZX Listing Rule 6.1, all voting was conducted by a poll. The three resolutions, which were passed by shareholders, were: 1. That Michael Cutter, appointed by the Board as a Director to fill a casual vacancy with effect from 17 November 2023, and who retires and is eligible for election, is elected as Director of the Company. 2. That the Directors be authorised to fix the fees and expenses of the Auditor for the 2024 financial year. 3. That the existing constitution of the Company be revoked and a new constitution in the form tabled at the Annual Meeting be adopted with effect from the close of the Annual Meeting. Details of the total number of votes cast in person or by a proxy holder are set out in the attached document. A copy of the new constitution is also attached. End CA:00426583 For:TWR Type:MEETING Time:2024-02-21 11:53:52