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Securities To Be Released From Voluntary Escrow

21/02/2024, 12:47 NZDT, GENERAL

21 February 2024 NZX/ASX Code: EBO Securities To Be Released From Voluntary Escrow EBOS Group Limited (EBOS) wishes to advise that, in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 3.10A, the following securities are due to be released from voluntary escrow. Number of securities 495,414 Type of securities Fully paid ordinary shares Release date 29 February 2024 These shares relate to voluntary escrow arrangements entered into between EBOS and certain members of LifeHealthcare's management (or entities they control) at the time of the LifeHealthcare acquisition. Authorised for lodgement with NZX and ASX by: Janelle Cain General Counsel EBOS Group Limited + 61 3 9918 5555 End CA:00426590 For:EBO Type:GENERAL Time:2024-02-21 12:47:42