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29/02/2024, 09:22 NZDT, HALFYR

Christchurch City Holdings Ltd (CCHL) (NZX:CCH) is pleased to present its Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2023. CCHL manages a portfolio of investments in commercial infrastructure on behalf of the Christchurch City Council and the ratepayers of Christchurch. The CCHL Group includes six trading subsidiaries that own and operate essential infrastructure assets and services across Christchurch and Canterbury being Orion New Zealand Limited, Christchurch International Airport Limited, Lyttelton Port Company Limited, Enable Services Limited, City Care Limited and EcoCentral Limited. Over the six months to 31 December 2023, the CCHL Group made a Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) of $48.9 million, down from $55.3 million (which includes a $4.2 million one-off gain) in the prior corresponding period. Inflationary pressures, rising interest costs and residual impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic impacted across the Group. Generally, these pressures were managed, and financial performance was in line with expectations. There are some promising signs of recovery across core assets, including passenger numbers now at 92% of pre-pandemic levels at Christchurch International Airport Limited. Both Enable Services Limited and Orion New Zealand Limited continued to invest in their respective networks to support growth in the region. The primary exception to this was Lyttelton Port Company Limited with materially lower earnings off the back of softer-than-expected volumes through the Port. City Care Limited's acquisition of Spencer Henshaw, which occurred on 2 September 2022, continues to track in line with expectations. CCHL will return an interim dividend to the shareholder of $20 million. Please refer to the attached Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2023 for the full commentary on the Group results. ENDS For further information please contact: Toni Rowell Chief Financial Officer Christchurch City Holdings Ltd Phone +64 3 941 8374 Mobile +64 21 896 486 Email: toni.rowell@cchl.co.nz End CA:00427073 For:CCH Type:HALFYR Time:2024-02-29 09:22:57