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Nominations of Directors – NZX Limited

1/03/2024, 08:56 NZDT, GENERAL

1 March 2024 Nominations of Directors - NZX Limited NZX intends to hold its Annual Meeting on Thursday, 18 April 2024 in Auckland (and online). Further details will be advised in the Notice of Annual Meeting in due course. For the purposes of NZX Listing Rule 2.3.2, NZX advises that the opening date for nominations for directors is today, Friday, 1 March 2024. The closing date for nominations of directors will be Thursday, 14 March 2024. All nominations must be received by 5.00pm on the closing date. Nominations may only be made by a shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Meeting. Nominations should be addressed to: Sara Wheeler Company Secretary, NZX Limited Address: NZX, PO Box 106 555, Auckland 1010 Email: sara.wheeler@nzx.com End CA:00427164 For:NZX Type:GENERAL Time:2024-03-01 08:56:01