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Director Appointment – Lachie Johnstone

1/03/2024, 16:44 NZDT, ADMIN

Transport and logistics group, MOVE Logistics Group Limited (NZX/ASX: MOV), is pleased to announce the appointment of Lachie Johnstone as an Independent Director. Lachie will join the Board from today and fills the vacancy following the retirement of Danny Chan at the 2023 Annual Meeting. Lachie is an experienced director, with current directorships including chair of CentrePort and Jenkins Group. Previously, he was chair of Farmlands Co-operative Society for 16 years alongside a number of other governance roles. He has extensive experience across the logistics sector, including fuel distribution. Chair of MOVE, Lorraine Witten, said: "We are delighted to have someone of Lachie's calibre and skillset join the Board as we position MOVE as a leading Australasian supply chain entity. His direct experience in the distribution, logistics and fuel sectors will provide valuable insights for the Board and management team as we continue to reshape, strengthen and grow our business." Lachie has been appointed by the Board, as permitted under the company's constitution. He will hold office until MOVE's 2024 Annual Meeting at which time he will stand for election by shareholders. The Board has determined that Lachie is an independent director for the purposes of the NZX Listing Rules and the NZX Corporate Governance Code. End CA:00427234 For:MOV Type:ADMIN Time:2024-03-01 16:44:51