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Annual Meeting Presentation and Speeches

3/04/2024, 11:00 NZDT, MEETING

ANNUAL MEETING PRESENTATION AND SPEECHES Property for Industry Limited (PFI, the Company) today holds its annual meeting of shareholders virtually and in person at the HSBC Tower, Auckland. PFI has provided NZX with a copy of the presentation and speeches to be made at the annual meeting. If you cannot attend, a recording of the webcast of the meeting will be available to view on PFI's website at the conclusion of the meeting. ENDS ABOUT PFI & CONTACT PFI is an NZX listed property vehicle specialising in industrial property. PFI's nationwide portfolio of 92 properties is leased to around 126 tenants. For further information please contact: SIMON WOODHAMS Chief Executive Officer --- Phone: +64 21 749 770 Email: woodhams@propertyforindustry.co.nz CRAIG PEIRCE Chief Finance and Operating Officer --- Phone: +64 21 248 6301 Email: peirce@propertyforindustry.co.nz --- Property for Industry Limited Level 4, Hayman Kronfeld Building, 15 Galway Street, Auckland 1010 PO Box 1147, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140 www.propertyforindustry.co.nz End CA:00428978 For:PFI Type:MEETING Time:2024-04-03 11:00:03