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Being AI Limited (BAI) – Price Enquiry

4/04/2024, 13:54 NZDT, S/PRICE

Please see attached documentation relating to a share price enquiry in Being AI Limited ("BAI") Ordinary Shares by NZ RegCo ("REGCO"). Investors are encouraged to access and consider the information relevant to the recent reverse listing transaction of BAI, in support of any investment decisions. That information includes the listing profile of the Being AI Group, and an Independent Appraisal Report which assessed both the merits and fairness of the reverse listing transaction and the profile and valuation of the Being AI group businesses being acquired. That information can be accessed at: https://www.nzx.com/companies/BAI/documents ENDS End CA:00429063 For:REGCO Type:S/PRICE Time:2024-04-04 13:54:06