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KFL weekly undiluted NAV per share calculation – ANZAC Day

24/04/2024, 10:02 NZST, GENERAL

24 April 2024 Kingfish weekly undiluted net asset value per share calculation - ANZAC day Kingfish Limited (KFL) wishes to advise the market and its shareholders that the calculation and announcement of the weekly undiluted net asset value (NAV) per share that would normally occur on Thursday 25 April 2024 will not take place due to ANZAC day. The next undiluted NAV per share announcement will be the 30 April 2024 month end NAV per share, which will be announced to the NZX and posted to the Kingfish website (kingfish.co.nz) on 1 May 2024. Contact Corporate Manager Kingfish Limited Tel + 64 9 484 0352 End CA:00430059 For:KFL Type:GENERAL Time:2024-04-24 10:02:26