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Change to Executive Team

24/04/2024, 13:34 NZST, ADMIN

Stride Investment Management Limited (SIML) today announced the resignation of Fund Manager Industre, Andrew Hay, from the company's executive team. SIML's Chief Executive Officer, Philip Littlewood, commented: "Andrew has been with Stride for over 20 years, most recently managing the industrial portfolio where he has contributed to strong growth in the portfolio over the last 5 years. I would like to sincerely thank Andrew for his contribution and wish him the very best in his future endeavours." SIML will provide the market with a further update on this role in the coming months. End For further information please contact: Tim Storey, Chairman, Stride Investment Management Limited / Stride Property Limited Mobile: 021 633 089 - Email: tim.storey@strideproperty.co.nz Philip Littlewood, Chief Executive Officer, Stride Investment Management Limited Mobile: 021 230 3026 - Email: philip.littlewood@strideproperty.co.nz A Stapled Security of the Stride Property Group comprises one ordinary share in Stride Property Limited and one ordinary share in Stride Investment Management Limited. Under the terms of the constitution of each company, the shares in each can only be transferred if accompanied by a transfer of the same number of shares in the other. Stapled Securities are quoted on the NZX Main Board under the ticker code SPG. Further information is available at www.strideproperty.co.nz or at www.nzx.com/companies/SPG. End CA:00430070 For:SPG Type:ADMIN Time:2024-04-24 13:34:12