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Meridian Energy monthly operating report for April 2024

14/05/2024, 08:30 NZST, MKTUPDTE

Attached is Meridian Energy Limited's monthly operating report for the month of April 2024. Highlights this month include:  In the month to 8 May 2024, national hydro storage decreased from 102% to 96% of historical average  South Island storage decreased to 97% of average and North Island storage decreased to 84% of average by 8 May 2024  Meridian’s April 2024 monthly total inflows were 136% of historical average  Waiau catchment inflows in April 2024 were 130% of historical average  Meridian’s Waitaki catchment water storage at the end of April 2024 was 97% of historical average  Water storage in Meridian’s Waiau catchment was 148% of average at the end of April 2024  National electricity demand in April 2024 was +3.9% higher than the same month last year  April 2024 was dry in eastern New Zealand but wetter in the west of both islands. Temperatures were above average for most of the country  New Zealand Aluminium Smelter’s average load during April 2024 was 569MW  Meridian’s retail sales volumes in April 2024 were +5.6% higher than April 2023  Compared to April 2023, segment sales increased in residential +4.7%, small medium business +3.6%, large business +7.4% and agriculture +38.0% with decreases in corporate -1.2%