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AGL Capital Change Notice

8/07/2024, 16:00 NZST, SECISSUE

NOTIFICATION OF ACQUISITION AND REDEMPTION OF SECURITIES Pursuant to Listing Rule 3.13.1, Accordant Group Limited (NZX:AGL) advises that the following securities issued by AGL under the AGL Group Securities Share Scheme (“Scheme”) have been redeemed: a) Class of Security: Restricted H-1, K, L, M, N, O and P shares b) ISIN: NZAWFE0001S8 c) Number redeemed and redemption price: 30,000 H-1 Shares at $1.90 10,000 K Shares at $1.90 15,000 L Shares at $1.90 10,000 M Shares at $1.80 10,000 N Shares at $1.80 10,000 O Shares at $1.50 10,000 P Shares at $1.50 a) Payment terms: Cash d) Amount Paid up: $Nil e) Percentage of total class redeemed: 18.8% of H-1 Shares 2.7% of K Shares 3.8% of L Shares 4.5% of M Shares 4.5% of N Shares 4.8% of O Shares 4.8% of P Shares f) Reason for redemption: Under the rules of the Restricted Share Schemes the Restricted Shares must be either converted or redeemed by 1 January 2025 (H-1), 1 January 2025 (K), 1 January 2026 (L), 1 October 2026 (M), 1 October 2027 (N), 1 October 207 (O) and 1 October 2029 (P) and the holder must be employed by AGL. The holder has resigned from employment at AGL. g) Terms of redemption: The aggregate redemption price is to be applied by AGL in full repayment of the loan made by AGL to the holder in respect of the Restricted H-1, K, L, M, N, O and P Shares. h) Total number of securities in class in existence after redemption: 129,800 H-1 Shares at $1.90 354,000 K Shares at $1.90 381,000 L Shares at $1.90 210,000 M Shares at $1.80 210,000 N Shares at $1.80 200,000 O Shares at $1.50 200,000 P Shares at $1.50 i) Shares to be held as Treasury Stock: No j) Date of redemption: 8 July 2024