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BFG - Notice of Annual Shareholders Meeting 29 August 2024

31/07/2024, 11:58 NZST, MEETING

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Notice is given that the hybrid Annual Shareholders Meeting of Burger Fuel Group Limited (Company) will be held at the Rakiura Room, Parkside Hotel & Apartments, 100 Greys Avenue, Auckland 1010 and via Zoom webinars commencing at 11:30am (New Zealand time) on Thursday 29 August 2024. In the event that the Board determines a physical meeting is inappropriate for any reason including health and safety reasons, the Company may decide to hold a virtual only meeting. If this occurs, the Company will provide shareholders with notice through an announcement to the NZX and on the Company's website. VIRTUAL SHAREHOLDER MEETING To participate in the meeting online please use the following link to join BFG’s virtual meeting Zoom platform, please register in advance for this webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t3K3ELW4S0aJ7TlDk-R1Og You will need to register with a free Zoom account to ensure the meeting runs smoothly and so you have all the functionality at the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please note, you will need to provide your CSN number when registering, this is found on your proxy form or email, if you received this notice via email and is needed for verification purposes. Voting online prior to the meeting Shareholders are encouraged to vote before the meeting in one of the following ways: 1.Online at www.investorvote.co.nz or by scanning the QR code on the Proxy/Voting form; or 2.Complete the Proxy/Voting Form and send it to Computershare Investor Services Limited, in accordance with the instructions set out on the form. BFG offers the facility for shareholders to submit questions to the Board via the Q&A function on the online Zoom platform during the meeting or you may submit any questions in writing prior to the meeting to: Burger Fuel Group Limited PO Box 147320, Ponsonby, Auckland. mark.piet@burgerfuel.com The Chair and CEO will answer your questions during the Meeting. AGENDA The business of the meeting will be as follows: 1. Chairman and CEO Presentations 2. Shareholder Discussion and General Business To consider the resolutions and such other business of the Company as may be properly brought before the meeting in accordance with the Company’s constitution. 3. Resolutions To consider, and if thought fit, pass the following Resolutions: Resolution 1: Election of Director – Alan Gourdie To consider the election of Alan Gourdie, who was appointed as a Director by the Board on 01 October 2023, be elected as a Director of the Company. Resolution 2: Election of Director – Tristram van der Meijden To consider the election of Tristram van der Meijden, who was appointed as a Director by the Board on 11 April 2024, be elected as a Director of the Company. Resolution 3: Director Remuneration That the maximum total pool of directors’ remuneration payable to directors (in their capacity as directors) be increased by $40,000 per annum, from a total pool of $180,000 per annum to $220,000 per annum, effective from the close of the Annual Meeting, with such sum to be divided amongst the directors as the Board may from time to time determine. Resolution 4: Auditor’s Remuneration To record the automatic re-appointment of Baker Tilly Staples Rodway as the Company’s auditor, pursuant to Section 207T of the Companies Act 1993 and to authorise the Company’s Board of Directors to fix the auditor’s remuneration for the ensuing year. By order of the Board of Directors of the Company Mark Piet, Company Secretary / Chief Financial Officer, Burger Fuel Group Limited Mark.piet@Burgerfuel.com