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results of 2024 ASM

2/08/2024, 13:51 NZST, GENERAL

2 August 2024 Results of 2024 Annual Shareholder Meeting At AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited’s (NZX: AFT / ASX: AFP) annual shareholder meeting held at the Milford Cruising Club, 24 Craig Road, Milford, Auckland, New Zealand today, shareholders were asked to vote on four resolutions, all of which were supported by the Board. As required by NZX Listing Rule 6.1, all voting was conducted by a poll. The resolutions passed by shareholders were: 1. That the directors are authorised to fix the fees and expenses of Deloitte as auditor for the 2025 financial year. 2. That David Flacks be re-elected as a director of AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited. 3. That Dr Ted Witek be re-elected as a director of AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited. 4. That Andrew Lane be elected as a director of AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited. Detail of the total number of votes cast in person or by a proxy holder are: Resolution For Against Abstain 1. That the directors are authorised to fix the fees and expenses of Deloitte as auditor for the 2025 financial year. 87,075,769 99.96% 38,538 0.04% 28,681 2. That David Flacks be re-elected as a director of AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited. 87,111,702 99.99% 6,480 0.01% 24,806 3. That Dr Ted Witek be re-elected as a director of AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited. 87,114,698 99.99% 6,093 0.01% 22,197 4. That Andrew Lane be elected as a director of AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited. 87,111,025 99.99% 9,946 0.01% 22,017 Authority for this announcement Name of person authorised to make this announcement Malcolm Tubby, Chief Financial Officer Contact person for this announcement Malcolm Tubby Contact phone number +64 9 488 0232 Contact email address Investor.relations@aftpharm.com Date of release through MAP 2 August 2024