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Savor 2024 Nomination of Directors

20/08/2024, 13:49 NZST, MEETING

Savor Limited (NZX: SVR) (“Savor”, “the Group”), today confirms key details for the nomination of Directors. The closing date for director nominations is Tuesday 3 September 2024 (“Closing Date”). Nominations may only be made in writing by a shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (ASM). Nominations must be sent to the Group CFO, so as to be received by 5.00pm on the Closing Date, at: Attention: Group CFO Savor Limited PO Box 106233 Auckland 1143 or via email: tim@savor.co.nz Further details regarding the Group’s ASM will follow in due course. For more information please contact: Tim Peat Group CFO +6421 049 7442 tim@savor.co.nz