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Closing date for director nominations and ASM date

26/08/2024, 08:35 NZST, GENERAL

STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT 26 August 2024 Closing date for director nominations, and ASM date The period for nomination of directors to Chorus’ Board opens today and closes 5.00pm New Zealand time on Thursday 12 September 2024. Nominations may only be made by a shareholder entitled to attend and vote at Chorus’ Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (ASM) to be held at 10am (NZ time) on Thursday 24 October 2024. Full details of how to attend the ASM, including location, participating and voting online, will be provided in our notice of meeting. Chorus has been granted a waiver from the NZX listing rules relating to restrictions on the persons who may be appointed as directors to allow Chorus’ Constitution to include a restriction prohibiting Associated Persons of Telecommunications Services in New Zealand (other than the services provided by Chorus) from being Chorus directors. Nominations must be accompanied by the consent in writing of the person being nominated and should contain sufficient information to enable shareholders to make an informed decision as to whether or not to elect the candidate, including: • Biographical details, qualifications, experience and the skills the candidate will bring to the Board; and • Details of other material directorships held. Nominations should be sent by email to company.secretary@chorus.co.nz or by post to: General Counsel Chorus Limited PO Box 632 Wellington 6140 Authorised by: Kristel McMeekin General Counsel ENDS For further information: Brett Jackson Investor Relations Manager Phone: +64 4 896 4039 Mobile: +64 (27) 488 7808 Email: Brett.Jackson@chorus.co.nz Vicki Gan Media and Content Manager Mobile: +64 (22) 075 0159 Email: vicki.gan@chorus.co.nz