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Capital Change Notice - FY25 LTI Scheme Grant

26/08/2024, 08:50 NZST, SECISSUE

Notice for the issue of 143,961 Performance Share Rights under PFI’s FY25 Executive Long Term Incentive Plan. ENDS ABOUT PFI & CONTACT PFI is an NZX listed property vehicle specialising in industrial property. PFI’s nationwide portfolio of 91 properties is leased to 126 tenants. For further information please contact: SIMON WOODHAMS Chief Executive Officer ---- Phone: +64 21 749 770 Email: woodhams@pfi.co.nz CRAIG PEIRCE Chief Finance and Operating Officer ---- Phone: +64 21 248 6301 Email: peirce@pfi.co.nz Property for Industry Limited Level 4, Hayman Kronfeld Building, 15 Galway Street, Auckland 1010 PO Box 1147, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140 www.propertyforindustry.co.nz