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AFC Group Holdings Limited (“AFC”) – Suspension of trading

26/08/2024, 09:22 NZST, HALT

Memorandum To: Market Participants From: NZX Product Operations Date: Monday, 26 August 2024 Subject: AFC Group Holdings Limited (“AFC”) – Suspension of trading Message: NZ RegCo advises it has suspended trading of AFC Group Holdings Limited (“AFC”) securities for non-payment of annual listing fees. NZX listed issuers must pay annual listing fees, and where payment is not made within 30 business days of the due date NZX will suspend trading of an issuer’s securities. The suspension of trading of AFC securities will remain in place until payment of the relevant fees. Please contact NZX Product Operations on +64 4 496 2853 or productoperations@nzx.com with any queries. ENDS