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Results of ArborGen Holdings Limited’s ASM

26/08/2024, 15:58 NZST, MEETING

26 August 2024 - At ArborGen Holdings Limited’s shareholder meeting, held in Auckland today, shareholders were asked to vote on 4 resolutions, which were supported by the Board. As required by NZX Listing Rule 6.1, all voting was conducted by a poll. The resolutions passed by shareholders were: 1. That the Directors be authorised to fix the fees and expenses of Deloitte as the Company’s auditor. 2. That David Knott be re-elected as a director of the Company. 3. That Thomas Avery be re-elected as a director of the Company. 4. That Ozey Horton be re-elected as a director of the Company. Details of the total number of votes cast in person or by a proxy holder are attached. Authority for this announcement: Justin Birch, CEO Contact person for this announcement: Jackie Ellis, Ellis and Co Contact phone number: +64 27 246 2505 Contact email address: jackie@ellisandco.co.nz