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Meridian Energy monthly operating report for August 2024

13/09/2024, 08:30 NZST, MKTUPDTE

Attached is Meridian Energy Limited's monthly operating report for the month of August 2024. Highlights this month include: ▪ In the month to 9 September 2024, national hydro storage increased from 45% to 99% of historical average ▪ South Island storage increased to 104% of average and North Island storage increased to 82% of average by 9 September 2024 ▪ Meridian’s August 2024 monthly total inflows were 119% of historical average ▪ Waiau catchment inflows in August 2024 were 124% of historical average ▪ Meridian’s Waitaki catchment water storage at the end of August 2024 was 48% of historical average ▪ Snow storage in Meridian’s Waitaki catchment was 86% of average in early September ▪ Water storage in Meridian’s Waiau catchment was 114% of average at the end of August 2024 ▪ National electricity demand in August 2024 was -6.3% lower than the same month last year ▪ August 2024 was warm, with average or above average temperatures for most of the country. Rainfall was above normal for western, inland and northern parts of the South Island ▪ New Zealand Aluminium Smelter’s average load during August 2024 was 398MW ▪ Meridian’s retail sales volumes in August 2024 were -3.2% lower than August 2023 ▪ Compared to August 2023, segment sales increased in agriculture +4.4% and large business +7.1%, with decreases in residential -4.6%, small medium business -1.2% and corporate -6.9% Weekly lake storage updates are available on Meridian’s website. See comparative lake levels at: