Listing Process

You should engage with NZX as early as possible in order to advise NZ RegCo of the proposed listing. This helps NZ RegCo to provide guidance and support through the process. NZ RegCo has published a practice note for the listing and quotation of funds securities here.

Step one: submit the most time sensitive documents first

Some of the documents in the listing process take longer to review and approve than others, so a number of documents need to be provided at least four weeks prior to the offer opening or a compliance listing taking place. These include:

  • A pre-listing agreement;
  • The draft offering document or profile;
  • The draft governing document;
  • Financial statements; and
  • Waiver applications, if required

NZ RegCo has produced a number of templates and practice notes to support applicants through this stage of the listing process. You can find these here.

Step two: provide additional information

Once you have provided the documents set out above, and NZ RegCo has commenced its review of the offering document or profile, further information that must be provided in advance of listing:

  • Final application
  • Final offering document or profile
  • Final governing document and solicitor's opinion
  • A copy of the manager's certificate of incorporation
  • Listing and MAP agreement
  • Annual reports

Step three: Listing and quotation notice

Upon completion of the steps above, NZ RegCo will issue its formal confirmation of non-objection to the offer document or profile and any waivers required. If you are undertaking an IPO, the offering document can now be provided to the registrar, and subsequently, the offer can open. Upon completion of the offer period you will list and your securities will quote on the NZX Main Board.