• NZDX
More from NZSX MarketData as of market close at 18/09/2024, 18:00 NZST


MEE$0.0800$0.0080 / 11.11%
SPY$1.1000$0.0500 / 4.76%
2CC$0.7400$0.0300 / 4.23%
TRA$4.4200$0.1700 / 4.00%
BPG$1.7500$0.0600 / 3.55%


MLNWG$0.0250-$0.0050 / -16.67%
BRMWH$0.0240-$0.0040 / -14.29%
BLT$0.0180-$0.0020 / -10.00%
NZLWA$0.0100-$0.0010 / -9.09%
RBD$3.6900-$0.2500 / -6.35%

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Daily Volume Traded

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NZX News

NZX showing ongoing strength through economic & market cycles

NZX's half year report shows ongoing strength through economic and market cycles. Having interrelated businesses and a diverse range of offerings available for companies to access capital, are behind our strong result. Read more here.

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NZ Milk Production

DCANZ and DairyNZ Monthly Milk Production

Find here the New Zealand monthly milk production report. For the publishing calendar click here.

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NZX Global Dairy Trade News

Trade Event 364

The 364th Global Dairy Trade (GDT) Event was held on Tuesday, 17 September. To view a summary of the results, click here.

NZX Website GDt Event 364 Line Graph
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