Participant Rules Archive

20 March 2024

NZX Participant Rules (20 March 2024)

1 January 2020

NZX Participant Rules (1 January 2020)

1 July 2019

NZX Participant Rules (1 July 2019)

8 October 2018

NZX Participant Rules (8 October 2018)

1 December 2017

NZX Participant Rules (1 December 2017)

NZX Participant Rule Procedures (1 December 2017)

7 March 2016

NZX Participant Rules (7 March 2016)

NZX Participant Procedures (26 September 2014)

1 December 2015

NZX Participant Rules (1 December 2015)

16 April 2015

NZX Participant Rules (16 April 2015)

September 2014

NZX Participant Procedures (12 September 2014)

NZX Participant Rules (26 September 2014)

November 2013

NZX Participant Rules (8 November 2013)

May 2004 to 1 March 2007


Definitions and administration

Summary of rules for market participants and FASTER registries

Market participants

Trading participants

Client advising participants

Delivery and settlement participants

Primary market participants

General obligations of all market participants and advisors

Client advising

Trading - general obligations

Trading on behalf of clients

Market makers

Delivery and settlement

Client assets

Capital adequacy

Accounting, audit and surveillance

NZX powers

FASTER registries


Appendix 1 - Market participant application form

Appendix 1A - Managing Principal - Statutory Declaration

Appendix 1(a) - Responsible executive application form

Appendix 1B - Responsible Executive - Application Form

Appendix 1C - Responsible Executive - Statutory Declaration

Appendix 1D - Directors / Partners Statutory Declaration

Appendix 1E - Compliance Manager - Undertaking

Appendix 1F - Surveillance Officer - Undertaking

Appendix 2 - Dealer / DMA Dealer - Application Form

Appendix 2A - Dealer /DMA Dealer - Statutory Declaration

Appendix 2(a) - Managing principal - statutory declaration

Appendix 2B - Undertaking from Trading Partner for Dealer / DMA Dealer

Appendix 2(b) - Responsible executive - statutory declaration

Appendix 2C - Dealer / DMA Dealer - Designation of Access Rights

Appendix 2D - Trading System - Firm Manager and Enquiry Access

Appendix 2E - Dealer /DMA Dealer - Application for Removal

Appendix 3 - NZX Associate Advisor / NZX Advisor - Application Form

Appendix 3 - Directors/partners statutory declaration

Appendix 3A - NZX Associate Advisor / NZX Advisor - Statutory Declaration

Appendix 3B - NZX Associate Advisor / NZX Advisor - Undertaking from Market Participant

Appendix 3C - NZDX Advisor- Application Form

Appendix 3D - NZDX Advisor - Statutory Declaration

Appendix 3D - NZDX Advisor - Statutory Declaration

Appendix 3E - NZDX Advisor - Undertaking from Market Participant

Appendix 4 - Compliance manager of market participant - Undertaking

Appendix 5 - Surveillance officer of market participant - Undertaking

Appendix 6 - FASTER Dealer/FASTER DMA Dealer application form

Appendix 6A - Authority to Act (excluding Distribution and Underwriting)

Appendix 6a - FASTER Dealer/FASTER DMA Dealer – Designation of Access Rights

Appendix 6a(i) - FASTER Trading - Enquiry_Firm Manager Access

Appendix 6B - Authority to Act - Distribution and Underwriting

Appendix 6b - FASTER Dealer/FASTER DMA Dealer – Application for NZX Removal

Appendix 6C - NXT Advisor - Declaration

Appendix 7 - Market Maker Application Form

Appendix 7 - Statutory declaration - NZX FASTER Dealers/FASTER DMA Dealers

Appendix 8 - Arbitrageur Application Form

Appendix 8 - Written undertaking from trading participant for NZX FASTER Dealer/FASTER DMA Dealer

Appendix 9 - Minimum requirement for a post-trade agreement

Appendix 10 - Direct Market Access Participant Application Form

Appendix 10 - NZDX Advisor application form

Appendix 11 - NZX Trainer Application Form - Trading

Appendix 11 - NZDX Advisor - statutory declaration

Appendix 11A - Written Undertaking from Market Participant for NZX Trainer

Appendix 11B - NZX Trainer - Notification of Resignation

Appendix 12 - Written undertaking from market participant in the NZDX Market

Appendix 12A - FSM Participant/RMA Provider Application Form

Appendix 12B - FSM Dealer/FSM DMA Dealer Application Form

Appendix 13 - NZX Advisor/NZX Associate Advisor application form

Appendix 14 - NZX Associate Advisor/NZX Advisor statutory declaration

Appendix 14a - Written Undertaking from market participant for its NZX associate advisors/NZX Advisers

Appendix 15 - FASTER Settlement Officer application form

Appendix 15a - FASTER SETTLEMENT OFFICER – Designation of Access Rights

Appendix 15a(i) - FASTER Settlement Other Access Rights

Appendix 15b - FASTER SETTLEMENT OFFICER – Application for NZX Removal

Appendix 16 - FASTER Settlement Officer - statutory declaration

Appendix 17 - Written undertaking from delivery and settlement participant regarding FASTER Settlement Officers

Appendix 18 - Authority to act

Appendix 19 - Market maker application form

Appendix 20 - Arbitrageur application form

Appendix 21 - FASTER Registry application form

Appendix 22 - Directors/partners undertaking

Guidance Notes

GN0001/04 - Know Your Client: Section 9

GN0002/04 - Trading on Behalf of a Client

GN0003/04 - Capital Adequacy

NZX FF1&2 - Monthly Reporting (Trial Balance Summary and Liquidity and Equity Statement)

NZX FF3 - Summary Report

NZX FF4 - Daily Underwriting

GN0004/04 - Schedule of Registers, Records and Training

GN0005/04 - Delivery and Settlement

GN0006/04 - NZX Sponsors

GN0006/04 - NZX Sponsor Declaration/Certificate

GN0007/04 - Direct Full Time Control of Broking offices and Supervision of Advisors yet to be Accredited

GN0008/05 - Client Assets

GN0009/05 - One-Off Sales

GN0010/06 - Monthly ICC

NZX ICC Template

GN0011/06 - Stands in the Market

GN0012/06 - Information Controls at NZX Market Participants

Practice Notes

PN 01/04 - Daily Liquidity Reporting

PN 02/05 - Direct Market Access

PN 03/05 - Client Agreements

PN 04/05 - Waivers from and Rulings on the NZX Participant Rules

PN 05/05 - Ex Record Date Conversion (Withdrawn)

PN 06/05 - Client Funds for NZX Advising Firms

PN 07/05 - Monthly Reporting

PN 08/05 - Bank Reconciliation Standards

PN 09/05 - Overdraft Reporting

PN 09/05 - Overdraft Reporting Template

PN 10/05 - FASTER Training and Accreditation

PN 11/06 - Annual Reporting Return

Business Notes

The Business Rules and Regulations have been replaced by the NZX Participant Rules.

Business Rules June 2003

Business Rules Comparison

RegulationsCode of Practice

NZX Regulations - Guidance Notes